4 Tips for Improving Your About Page
4 Tips for Improving Your “About” Page
Every website should have an About page. It exists to capture the very essence of your business by reeling in your target audience and inspiring them with your story.
The About page is more than just a brief biography or a list of achievements; it should be something that forges a connection with your readers and gives them a reason as to why they should choose your business.
Crafting an unforgettable About page is often not that easy, particularly if you’re not the sort of person to feel completely comfortable talking about yourself!
These four tips, inspired by some of the best About pages on the Internet, should help you to get started.
Be Human
People are often hesitant when it comes to parting with their money online. After all, there is something very impersonal about the whole process. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or a big business, your About page is your chance to show your audience the human face behind your brand. Your goal should be to make your readers feel comfortable, and this means establishing a connection with them. Show off your human side by including your name and surname and a picture to help people identify you.
Find Your Voice
Your voice is an extension of your personality. It may be fun and sassy or it may be serious and authoritative, but whatever it is, you must have a consistent voice that people come to identify you with. Your About page serves to capture the personality of your brand, so it needs to be consistent with the same style and tone you use in every other area of your digital marketing strategy. Don’t risk losing sight of your goals by striving to create the most unique About page possible. Instead, think of the page as a summary of everything that makes your brand what it is.
Showcase Your Achievements
An About page is a great place to show off your achievements, but it is also easy to overboard. However, by highlighting some of your greatest achievements, even if not all of them are directly related to your current line of business, you’ll have the opportunity to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Another effective way to showcase your achievements is to talk not just about yourself, but also about your customers. If you have any testimonials handy, the About page is a good place to publish them, so long as they don’t interrupt the flow of the main content.
Tell Your Story
People love reading stories, particularly if they bring to life your brand and entertain them with a unique and memorable approach. Even if your brand doesn’t have a particularly interesting story, that doesn’t mean you can’t tell one. You can still tell your own personal story, explaining how you came to be in the situation you’re in now. It is also important not to be afraid of your history, even if your brand started with very modest beginnings. After all, your goal is to make people identify with your brand on a personal level.
Summing Up
A great About page is essentially a work in progress that briefly documents the history of your brand or career from a personal perspective. You’ll need to amend it at times as you continue to test it and as your business itself evolves. There are few right and wrong answers when it comes to writing the perfect About page copy, since the content is ultimately about you and your company. Do what feels right and best represents your company, and when you do, people will be inspired by what you have to say.
Creative Writing Specialists
Creative writing is our passion! If you need assistance crafting digital content tailored specifically for your audience and your About page, tell us about your business below and we’ll be in touch soon.